4 Week Accountability Blast 

This powerful group LIVE Group Program is to kickstart your goals and desires with ease no matter what you want to achieve. This program will focus on getting you out of your way and getting STUFF done.

I hear this ALL too often – “I know EXACTLY what I need to do, but I just cannot seem to stick it!”


Sound familiar???

You feel like your cup is overflowing, not enough hours in the day and yet you wonder, “How on earth am I going to do what i KNOW needs to get done”. This could be anything from starting the new project you always wanted to start, eating cleaner and incorporating more nutrient dense food into your diet, starting to move your body in a more loving way, or just finding time for you to connect back to your true self.


You are feeling, fatigued, overwhelmed, lacking motivation and you just don’t know where to even start to get out of this rut that you are in.

You are constantly triggered and reacting to ALL THE THINGS…things that ordinarily should not be a trigger?

You have a general sense of STUCK and desperately want to escape the monotony of the day to day hum drum.


As a result, you start to seek comfort outside of your to get through the day!

overwhelm anxious

Instead you wish to feel energized, productive, resilient, responsive and not to mention, self assured.


Imagine for a hot minute, you wake up feeling refreshed energized, self assured and confident in your ability to not only get done what you set out to do, but you have unshakeable confidence in your ability to tackle anything that comes your way in a day. Let’s be real, even with the best plans and intention things will always pop up, however it is your ability to navigate and pivot when this happens.



You are wearing your resilient emotional armour where you feel you can approach any challenge that comes your way with ease and grace.

It is very possible to wake up feeling like this every day, however, for things to change, things need change. You cannot expect a different outcome doing exactly the same thing everyday. Or as Einstein more eloquently put, “Doing the same thing and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity”.

I understand how you feel, more than you could every imagine! I’ve always thought of myself as a fairly disciplined and motivated person, however as soon as overwhelm crept in, I would be crippled by procrastination, throw my toys out of the pram, not do anything and then be incredibly angry with myself, because I knew EXACTLY what I SHOULD be doing…….

I overcame this with SUPPORT! Sometimes, it is not about getting more information, but just getting the job done and someone holding you accountable to do so!


Getting support helped me with:

  • Getting clarity of what was important NOW and the next step to take.

  • The first step that was needed to make a start – I did not necessarily need to know ALL of the steps, just the ones to get me started and quite often the rest was revealed as I went along the journey. They say, the universe rewards action!

  • Structure - even though I’m a fairly structured person myself, it was very useful to bounce that off someone

  • Accountability – the fact that I told someone I was going to do it, helped me actually do it. What a concept! This in turn provided me with a sense of achievement and productivity and ultimately a result.

  • Mindset – getting support helped me see the mountains of areas where my thoughts were my ONLY barrier to achieving outcomes. Sometimes it takes someone else to help get you out of your head, even when you know what you need. It’s almost like they spread magical fairy dust.

If you are ready to get on track, not only with getting sh%t done, but rewiring your mindset, the 4 week Accountability Blast is for you.

 The 4 Week Group Accountability BLAST

Over 4 weeks we will meet together weekly on zoom to set our intentions for the week.

Program structure:

Week 1 

  • Clarity on your vision, the WHAT you want to achieve, but more importantly WHY

  • Set the 4 week goal – A clear statement of what you want to achieve in 4 weeks time

  • Set a weekly goal – chunking it down, what you need to achieve on a weekly basis to achieve your goal

  • Set a daily goal – what needs to happen on a daily basis in order for you to achieve you weekly goal

Week 2

thriving confident
  • Review of the previous week

  • Mindset check

  • ‘Doing’ Check

  • Refine and tweak

 Week 3

  •   As per week 2

Week 4

  • Wrap up

  • Celebrate wins

  • Lessons learnt


What’s in it for you?

  • ACCOUNTABILITY – this in itself is enough to sign up. Remember, it is not about knowing what you need to do, it is about actually doing it!

  • Clarity of your vision, what you want to achieve, why you want it, but more importantly actual IMPLEMENTATION. Making sure your time is focused on the ‘RIGHT DOING’

  • Practical strategic advice to move your forward

  • Community  - whilst you are doing this for yourself, you are by no means by yourself. This is the power of community. Together we all rise or not all all.


  • 4 X weekly 1 hour online group coaching and accountability calls

  • Recording of the live sessions if you cannot make it live

  • Step by Step Workbook to keep you on track each week and track your progress

  • Mid week email check-in and support

  • Any other resources I deem necessary throughout the 4 week program



We kick off Sharp Monday 5th September at 9am

Your investment

$37  or VIP Option $7740 min 1:1 NLP coaching call to be used anytime during the 4 weeks together. CLICK on the button below to secure your seat:

mindset coach

Chantal is an Accredited and Certified Nutrition & Wellness Coach, EFT & NLP Practitioner that helps empower and inspire mums and women just like you to become unstuck and live empowered showing up as best version of themself, on purpose and authentically.