Break the Cycle of Burnout and Start Thriving again with 3 Simple Techniques

Stress is not going away anytime soon, especially in our modern day world for the modern day woman who is juggling so many balls. Burnout is the result of chronic untreated stress over a long period of time. The time to break that cycle is NOW.

Some tips before you start:

➡ Set aside some 10 minutes for each video, a little longer for the last one.

➡ Have pen and paper handy to make a notes of anything that pops into your mind while you are watching

➡ Start practicing straight away! It’s about being it being perfect, it’s about taking small actionable steps. 😉

Video 1 - Burnout and the impact on your life

Viewing time: 11min

Video 2 - Introduction to EFT and how it can break the cycle of burnout.

Viewing time: 8 minutes

Video 3 - 3 simple techniques to break the cycle of burnout.

Viewing time: 23 minutes

If you are ready to take the next step and break free from your burnout cycle once and for all, and start feeling like yourself again, then why not grab my 60 minute Reset Breakthrough session for only $49. Valued at $197.

Give me 60 minutes and I’ll help you:

  • Uncover which environmental and lifestyle factors are zapping and depleting your energy.

  • Tackle the real reasons behind your stress & overwhelm - hint, it has nothing to do with what you THINK is causing you stress.

  • Get back to feeling, calm, confident and joy-filled, even when life throws you curve balls 

I am inviting you to this 1:1 online zoom session with me valued at $197, or only $49.


Because I want you to take a chance and come and experience how coaching with me feels.

After our session I want you to walk away knowing:

✅ The exact environmental & lifestyle changes you need to make NOW to start filling your energy cup

✅ The real mind based reasons behind your stress & overwhelm and how to ditch them with simple tools and strategies you can start implementing straight away. Goodbye chaos, hello calm….

✅ My simple 5 minute self inquiry formula that will help you break free from any future stress & overwhelm so that you can handle anything life throws at you. (This simple hack alone took me from a high functioning stress head to calm mumma…PRICELESS!)

✅ A suggested simple and easy to ‘fit into your day’ action plan for you to implement to start to introduce these changes so that you can start having more space for joy and fun

If you are ready to start thriving and transform your life from the inside out, then schedule your call using the link below.

Chantal is a Mindset Mentor, trained NLP Practitioner, Clinical EFT Practitioner, Belief Clearing Practitioner, Certified Nutrition & Wellness Coach and PSYCH-K Facilitator that specialises in helping stressed and overwhelmed women to break free of their burnout and reclaim a calm, balanced and energised life that they can live on THEIR terms.