Learning tools and strategies to effectively manage stress on a daily basis.
Kicking Stress to the curb
Stress is pretty much a given in today’s modern fast paced society and it does not discriminate on age or gender, so it is not going away anytime soon. That does NOT mean you are doomed at the helms of stress & overwhelm. Quite the contrary, when you accept, that this is the way it is, you are in the drivers seat and can CHOOSE how navigate it with resilience and confidence.
If you are ready to ditch the constant stress & overwhelm cycle and move through the daily ‘stuff’ with ease, grace and confidence, then this short course is perfect for you!
Join me for this deep dive to kick stress to the curb and you’ll discover:
✅ What is REALLY behind your stress & overwhelm
✅ The impact stress has on your physical and mental health
✅ How to articulate your exact emotions that actually feels ‘releasing’ rather than stuck. This in itself is GAME CHANGING!
✅ What to do when you first notice that stressed out feeling
✅ Plenty of brain and evidence based techniques, tools and strategies to dissolve the stress, and melt into relaxation in minutes.
Hey Busy Woman,
I see you! You are running at 1000 miles per hour, wearing multiple hats in a day and juggling all the plates to keep it spinning.
You are exhausted, running on empty, with NOTHING left in the tank for you!
“When is this ever going to get better?????”, you ask
Well, its NOT be honest, until you do something about it…..I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news…😬
The “stuff” of life is going to happen, challenges are ALWAYS going to arise, curve balls WILL be thrown at us, but how we respond to it is completely in our hands.
In order to navigate the ‘stuff’ of life like a BOSS, you need a good set of strategies and techniques on your life tool belt.
Imagine for a moment how different you would feel knowing with unshakeable confidence, that you handle can ANY situation that comes your way with ease and grace?
You can break FREE
Jump in the drivers seat & claim your birth right of supreme health & wellness.
The problem we have today, it is not the BIG life stresses, but the chronic daily stress that builds up over time. According to many Integrative Health Practitioners, stress is the root cause of up to 90% of health conditions today. Clearly it is something that needs addressing IF we have any hope of being optimally healthy and well.
“Stress is a form of suffering. Look at your body and see what it does to the body and it’s functions - what it does to the heart, the circulation, the immune system, the digestive function, the liver.”
Here is what is included:
➡ 4 short training videos and a workbook (because I know you are busy🙂)
➡ 3 additional short guided practices to banish your stress in 5 minutes or less
You will get:
Instant access
Watch and learn on your phone or device
Life time access for the duration of the program
ONLY $29……valued @ $97
What are you waiting for, it’s a no brainer!
Click the button below to register and get instant access.
Please note you will first need to create your account by providing your name, email address and password and then proceed to payment.
The End Result?
You will noticeably “feel” more calmer, relaxed, confident and not to mention resilient KNOWING how to deal with ANY stressful situation that comes your way! You will start to notice life FLOW more easier, even when challenges are thrown your way.
Chantal is an Accredited and Certified Nutrition & Wellness Coach, EFT & NLP Practitioner that helps empower and inspire mums and women just like you to lovingly nourish and nurture their body and mind so that they can show up as the VERY best version of them self, authentically, on purpose and by design.