Let's talk about for RESPONSIBILITY for SELF in terms of Health & Wellness
Upfront I’m going to say that I will not be mincing my words in this article, because it is a huge factor to your success or failure in health and wellness and ultimately in life.
When I refer to it, what do you I mean? Responsibility for Self!
You are responsible for you. We cannot blame anyone else, although tempting and compelling sometimes. Yes, we all have circumstances thrust upon that is outside of our control, but how we move forward or CHOOSE to view it, is ultimately our responsibility
Responsibility is also a tenet in coaching that is key. When the client accepts responsibility for their own actions and results, only then can they move forward.
Let’s explore this further using Don Ardell’s Model of Health which is built on the following:
Self Responsibility
Nutritional Awareness
Stress Management
Physical Fitness
Environmental Sensitivity
He goes on to explain that taking responsibility for our choices, feelings, what we say to our self is critical in every aspect of our life.
Self responsibility is needed in every aspect above.
We cannot complain of ill health IF we choose to consume a diet high in packaged and processed food.
We cannot complain about BEING highly stressed IF we choose not to find a way that helps manage the stress on a daily basis.
We cannot complain about being “unfit” IF we choose to not move our body in a way that feels good.
I think you get my drift.
The solution is fairly simple, but not easy when you are trying to do this in isolation UNLESS your desire and motivation levels are so high, it outweighs any negative self talk. Even then it will only take you so far, before you fall off the wagon again! Typically, support and accountability is needed in order to facilitate a long term lifestyle change.
I know this seems almost like a slap in the face, it was for me too. I had the story of “Oh, you don’t understand, it is different for me because of X, Y & Z”). There was almost a denial, but when I did surrender to it (OK, more like being dragged, kicking and screaming), it was so freeing, knowing that if there was something that was not to my taste, I had the ability to shift what was in my control which was only me.
All of the sudden all the excuses fall by the wayside and you make room for creative solutions. This cannot be done, when you are still in victim or blame mode.
“All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how you blame him, it will not change you” – Wayne Dwyer
My question back to you - Given Ardell’s model of health, which area to you need to accept 100% self-responsibility. Let’s be clear, this is not the blame game either. It is about acknowledging and accepting our role in the current reality. If doing this work this by yourself, then do a self audit and ask:
What behaviour needs to change in each area?
How do I need to BE different in each area?
If you have been unable to shift this by yourself and require some help, then reach out for a quick 20 min chat to see which one of my programs are a better fit for you.
Chantal is an Accredited and Certified Nutrition & Wellness Coach with a very special interest helping busy and overwhelmed mums transform the health of their family using gut healing nutrition and transformational mindset practices.
- Accredited Certificate of Nutrition & Super Nutrition, special focus on Childhood Nutrition - Cadence Health
- Certified Level 1 & 2 Wellness Coaching - Wellness Coaching Australia
- MINDD Forum Health Coach - Mindd Foundation
- Accredited Real Healthy Kids Facilitator having personally trained with Sally Gray ND
- Clinical Evidence Based EFT Practitioner - Evidence Based EFT