Alternatives to apply to your skin if you are suffering with Eczema or Psoriasis
When it comes to managing eczema or psoriasis, you definitely want to be more cognisant of what is being applied to the skin. After all, the skin is the largest organ of the body and is absorbing whatever is being applied topically. If using common over the counter moisturisers, more than likely they contain toxic chemicals that are best avoided at all costs.
The below list has been proven to be effective when searching for alternatives. These ingredients will not only aid moisture, but will also nourish and heal the skin.
Alternative moisturising agents to apply topically:
Coconut Oil
It is thought that the lauric acid in coconut oil is the active agent which helps eczema heal. Lauric acid is a nutritious fatty acid, or lipid, also found in breast milk. It is used to develop monolaurin, which is an antimicrobial agent that can fight bacteria, fungi, yeast, viruses and other pathogens, therefore making it an antimicrobial agent that can fight yeast, fungi, viruses and bacteria.
Credit to Irene Kredenets
Coconut oil has a natural ability to penetrate the skin quickly which will boost the hydration therefore reducing the chances of an infection.
This study also proved the ant-inflammatory benefits of coconut oil which makes it a suitable oil to apply topically for those struggling with eczema.
When using coconut oil as a moisturiser, ensure that it is cold pressed and extra virgin. This will ensure there are no additional chemicals added.
Personally, I have found coconut oil to be very key in terms of our healing experience with eczema, however it was typically used in conjunction with another oil.
Blackseed oil
This has to be one of my favourite oils and is a must for any natural first aid cupboard. Blackseed oil is also known as black caraway, black cumin, kalonji, and black onion seeds and comes from the Nigella Sative plant. In an oil form it can be ingested and applied topically. This article explains the phenomenal properties of blackseed and why it so beneficial to people with eczema or psoriasis. Some of the properties of blackseed oil include:
Wound Healing
Jojoba and Borage Oil
These oils are also seeing promising results when used as part of a moisturising regime for eczema, this is once again largely due the anti-inflammatory properties these oils possess.
Tea tree oil
This oil is commonly used topically today to treat wounds and cuts, but is also very useful when treating eczema. One study even found it more effective than using zinc oxide or itchthammol topically. Benefits of using tea tree oil specifically for eczema include:
Reduces Inflammation
Heals wounds
Fights off viruses
Relieves itching
Credit to Cari Corbet -Owen
Aloe vera
This plant is long known for its natural moisturising properties and there is now some evidence to suggest that it could be particularly useful when dealing with eczema. The following properties of aloe vera is what makes this another great option to consider:
Immune boosting
Would healing
You want to ensure you are using 100% aloe vera gel.
From personal experience, the cooling nature of this plant was also very useful to calm the itching that is typically associated with eczema or psoriasis.
Wrapping it Up
There are a few more options, but these above are the most commonly used topical applications when it comes treating eczema or psoriasis. As you can see there are no crazy names that are impossible to pronounce and more importantly the body would actually recognise these ingredients.
Whilst dealing with eczema or psoriasis, the healing is very much an “inside” job rather than an ‘outside’ in approach. These ingredients have proven to be very effective when wanting to manage and heal eczema and psoriasis naturally.
It is important to note that what works for one, may not work for another. It is all about trial and error, even with natural approaches. At one point in our journey, I got so specific of what I knew worked for my son, that I had it custom made up, and even then, I still needed to add my own additional coconut oil.
From my experience, I’ve found a combination of coconut oil, blackseed oil and tree tree to be amazing at assisting the healing the process. It goes without saying with eczema or any skin condition, that it is all about moisture, moisture and more moisture ,so a once off application will not cut it.
If you need assistance wanting to heal eczema or psoriasis from the ‘inside out’ then email to see which one of packages may best suit you and your family.
Chantal is a Certified and Accredited Nutrition & Wellness Coach with a special interest in helping stressed and overwhelmed mums transform the health of their family’s by using Food as Medicine and transformational wellness practices to create peace, harmony and joy.