1:1 4 Week Nutrition Intensive

Let’s make peace with nutrition & use Food as Medicine

So, tell me time poor mums if any of this rings true for you:

  • You know your family’s health could certainly benefit from eating more whole and real food, but you just don’t know where to start? From where you are, to where you need to be is just too big!

  • You or someone in your family is struggling with a health condition such as eczema, asthma, chronic sickness, fussy eating, an auto immune issue and you’ve been given a specific dietary protocol to follow such as Paleo, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Grain Free, Auto immune Paleo etc, but you have no idea what to feed the family, let alone where to buy half of the ingredients listed?

  • You are busy, run off your feet, exhausted yourself and don’t have hours to spend in the kitchen each and every day? Let’s be honest, who does!

  • You have fussy eaters and have no idea how you are going to navigate making the changes that are desperately needed?

  • You may even have all the information, recipe books galore, but you just cannot seem to pull it all together?

 I understand completely how you feel, making such changes can be completely overwhelming.

There are a handful of core pillars to health and each and every one of them needs to be in balance.

Nutrition is beginning pathway to wellness and the easiest pillar to make the changes in.

It is a very foundational step to nail on your journey.

It is pretty safe to say without eating real and wholefood the majority of time, your quest for health will be a hard uphill battle with very little to no results.

The 4 Week Nutrition Intensive is designed to take away the worry and confusion surrounding nutrition and to finally make peace with food.

More importantly it is providing you the foundational steps to make this a lifestyle change so that you can put nutrient dense food on the table each and every week with ease!

Who is the program suitable for?

  • You’ve been given a dietary protocol to follow, but you have no idea how to get started let alone what to feed the family for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

  • Family’s wanting to ditch packaged and processed food and eat a more wholefood way of life without spending hours in the kitchen or a fortune on fancy ingredients.

  • You may already have all the information, but need a helping hand pulling it all together and finally take action to make it happen with ease and joy.

How does it work?

Prior to our first coaching session, you will complete a well-being questionnaire that will assist in identifying the key areas for change.

During our first session together this information will be used to create a plan specific to your needs & that of your family and more importantly clear measurable goals to be achieved will be set.

Together, we will break it down into small, manageable chunks that are easy for you to implement and won’t cause your family to rebel.

What is included?

The 1:1 4 week Nutrition Intensive Program includes:

  • 4 X 1:1 50-60 minute Online sessions via a video conferencing platform called zoom:

  • Personalised step by step plan for you to implement

  • Video teaching lessons on nutrition, gut health and meal planning to ensure this is beyond more information

  • In depth Nutrition & Gut Health manual with plenty of recipes for breakfast lunch & dinner to suit most dietary requirements

  • Practical action steps after each session that are simple and easy to implement

  • Other resources such as planners, meal ideas etc to keep you on track


    • You will have access to all of my resources, including recipes, meal planners and meal ideas.

    • UNLIMITED email between coaching sessions

At the end of 4 weeks you should:

  • Know exactly what to feed your family for your chosen dietary protocol and beyond

  • Have a meal plan template you can roll out week after week

  • Have the right habits in place to make this a lifestyle change

  • A knowing of a range of kitchen hacks, tips and tricks to only spend the time that is needed

  • An improvement in symptoms

  • Ultimately feel, confident that you can nail nutrition, so that you can focus on the next pillar to bring you extraordinary health

Your Investment:

In FULL AU$375

Pay in 2 installments of AU$200

Email me or schedule your complimentary Health Mapping Session to see if my program is a good fit for you. Don't forget to leave your easiest contact details.


In working with Chantal, you agree to the following: All information provided is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your primary physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information provided for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.