Nutrition & Meal Planning Fundamentals - Nourishing thy Family

Creating vibrant & thriving happy families from the inside

There is no so much noise out there with nutrition today, I am not surprised that most mums are confused on what to actually feed their family.

Everyone has an opinion that their way of eating is the right way, and the reality of it is, there is no ONE RIGHT WAY.

Initially your symptoms may dictate what is needed NOW, but that does not mean that is what you eat going forward.

Having said that, regardless of your chosen way of eating, there are fundamentals that the body needs on a daily basis in order of having any hope of functioning correctly this is on a physiological level. This couldn’t be more true for our children who’s growth and development needs are key.

Through all of the additional functional and integrative nutrition study, I’ve managed to cut through all of the BS and identify what is really needed in order to fuel your body as a busy mama and that of your growing child. Amazingly, it is pretty simple and not complicated.

Any of these thoughts crossed your mind?

  • I want my family to eat more healthy, but I don’t know what that is suppose to be?

  • I am confused with all of the current trends, is it Paleo, is it Keto, is Raw, is it Paleo AIP, is it Vegan?

  • I am lacking energy, not feeling great, constantly lethargic and really need to overhaul what I eat, but I don’t know where to start?

  • As much as I want my family to eat more real food, I just don’t have the time to stand in the kitchen all day! Let’s be honest who does these days?

  • Any other reason keeping you eating less optimally

If you answered "YES” to any of the above, then you will definitely find value in this workshop.

In this workshop, you will learn:

  • The REAL fundamentals of what the body needs to function optimally every single day & WHY. The consequences of not including these in your diet longer term.

  • How to fuel the body for optimal growth, development and brain health

  • Learn which foods MUST become your “best friend” and why.

  • The consequences of over consuming certain foods in your diet

  • Why the preparation of certain goods are key. No food is off limits ‘IF” properly prepared and tolerated. Otherwise it could be further harming your health

  • How to tune into your body and identify your personal food prescription - become your own nutritionist

  • The dirty dozen list of food additives that should be avoided at all cost when consciously consuming packaged foods for those times when convenience calls. Let's face it, we are not aiming for perfection, but we can make better informed choices when purchasing such foods

  • Is it necessary to eat organic,

  • How to put real food on the table day in day out without the stress and overwhelm - let’s really nail this!

  • Gain an understanding of the useful ingredients to have in your pantry and fridge to support nutrient density

This workshop is suitable if:

You want to start eating real food, whole food and cut through all of the nutrition noise

You would like give your family the best possible to start and foundation to life and know that they are eating for optimal growth and development.

Struggling with a health challenge such as Eczema, Asthma, Fussy Eating, Chronic Sickness etc, in your family and just want to know where is the best place

You can be committed to take small, imperfect, consistent and persistent steps to achieve your health & wellness goals


You will leave this workshop knowing

  • What foods to include in your family's diet on a daily basis - never be confused again

  • The best preparation methods for various foods so that you actually get the benefit of eating it

  • The kitchen hacks to get REAL FOOD on the table day in & day out without fuss and overwhelm

Live Online Event details:

What's Included:

  1. A comprehensive Real Healthy Kids Nourishing Foundations Manual to support your learning.

  2. Over 25 nutrient dense recipes included in the manual covering Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Snacks

  3. Q & A

  4. A recording of the event within 24 hours

What to bring:

  • Pen & Paper

  • All of your nutrition questions

Event Details

  • WHEN - Thursday 14th November 2019

  • TIME - 12-2PM

  • WHERE - Online via the Zoom Room

Note - If you cannot attend live, that is OK. A copy of the replay will be available within 24hours of the online workshop

COST: Au$37

Purchase your ONLINE seat by clicking on the "Buy Ticket & Register"  button below.

NOTE - Pls do ensure you carry on to register your email once payment has been made so that you can received the email with all of the event joining details.


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Chantal is a Certified & Accredited Nutrition & Wellness Coach with a special interest helping mum's transform the health of their families using a food as medicine and creating a thriving and happy family using transformational wellness practices.

  • Accredited Certificate of Nutrition & Super Nutrition - Cadence Health