Breakfast Chantal Khoury Breakfast Chantal Khoury

Citrus & Berry Breakfast Pudding

Gluten Free, Grain Free, Refined Sugar Free, Nut Free, Dairy Free

Confession - I'm quite a creature of habit with food. I could easily eat the same thing for a LONG period of time and not be phased by it. One day whilst sitting down to my "usual" breakfast, one of the kids said "Mum you have the same thing for breakfast everyday" That'swhen I thought about when was the last time I had something different, I could not remember!

So I figured it was time to come up with a few different options. That's when this little baby was created.

For me, breakfast needs to follow this formula:

  • Sufficient Fat

  • Sufficient protein

  • Grain free

  • Sustaining for at least 4- 5 hours

  • Take less than 5 min to prep

I've become so in tune with what my body likes and needs and find the above formula just works!


  • ½ cup of coconut milk

  • ¼ cup of coconut flour

  • 2 eggs

  • 2 tbsp of coconut oil

  • 3 tbs of maple syrup or sweetener of choice. Have also used 2 dates

  • Zest & juice of 1 lemon or lime, hence the citrus name

  • ½ cup of frozen organic berries

  • 1 tbsp of vanilla essence, can use less, but I like vanilla


  • Pre-heat oven to 180degrees centigrade

  • Mix all ingredients together well in a blender (except frozen berries)

  • Pour batter evenly into 3-4 ramekin containers, I usually get 4

  • Spread berries on top of the batter

  • Bake for 30 min or until golden brown on the top

I usually have mine served with some yoghurt or a dollop of cream or home-made granola scattered on the top or with a chopped up yum.

That is breakfast sorted for 4 days!

Enjoy XX

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Breakfast Chantal Khoury Breakfast Chantal Khoury

Seeded Grain Free Citrus Berry Breakfast Slice

Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Nut Free, Grain Free, Refined Sugar Free.

This slice is so tasty & sustaining. I often have it with a dollop of yoghurt or cream on the side and sets me up for the day, although not necessary to add. It also contains all the necessary elements for good gut health, cellular health, brain health and great for stabilising blood sugar levels.


  • 2 cups of activated seeds grounded to a fine meal, I usually do 1 cup sunflower and 1 cup pepita seeds

  • 4 eggs

  • ¼ cup of coconut oil melted

  • 1 tablespoon of vanilla essence (I really like vanilla, so reduce it to a tsp if that seems too much for you)

  • Juice & rind of either 1 lemon, lime or orange, lemon is my favourite

  • 2-3 heaped tbsp of tapioca flour

  • ½ cup of frozen berries of your choice

NOTE: - I've not added in any sweetener, but you could add 1/4 cup of maple syrup, honey or rapadura sugar if you find your taste buds prefer a little bit of sweetness.


  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees C

  2. Blend all ingredients together (except for the berries)

  3. Pour batter into a greased oven proof pan

  4. Sprinkle berries on the top

  5. Bake for 35 min or until golden brown and skewer comes out clean

  6. When cooled, slice into desired sizes and store in an air tight container in the fridge.

These also freeze really well, so store in portion sizes ready to go whenever you need it. All you have to do is warm up the slices for a few minutes in the oven.


Enjoy XX


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