The truth about Self Limiting Beliefs
To start off with, let’s first understand what a belief is. Beliefs are the truths we hold about everything and they shape our perceptions, they are held within the subconscious part of the mind.
Beliefs are also the filters of reality and our experience, we do not see reality as it is, we see it through our perception. They are nothing more than an interpretation of events, circumstances or life experience.
Beliefs determine how we live on a daily basis and we consistently act in accordance with them.
Beliefs can be either resourceful (empowering) or unresourceful (limiting):
Resourceful beliefs – helps us move forward towards a desired state and strengthen our sense of personal identity
Unresourceful beliefs – holds us back, limits or blocks with our progress to our desired state of being
Where do beliefs come from:
Our earlier childhood between the age of 0-7 years according to Morris Massey
Rapid Life events
Looping and repetitive thoughts
Beliefs are the foundation for our thoughts, feelings, behaviour and outcomes, therefore placing SOLE focus on behaviour change is a very futile exercise if you want to experience long term change.
How to identify self limiting beliefs:
Self Awareness and observation of our language is key, both verbally and internally. We tend to speak our beliefs unconsciously. E.g, “I am so bad at tennis”, “I am not good at organizing myself”, “That will never work for me”.
Journalling – Asking self inquiry questions – to get you started on this process, you can get a copy of my journalling prompt guide here.
Work with a coach to help you spot your limiting blocks
How to change self limiting beliefs:
There are a number of ways to change beliefs, below are some of the methods I use in my coaching, but not limited to:
Self inquiry through a specific questioning sequence
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to release the old belief and install new ones
NLP and Timeline Therapy to delete and install beliefs as well change the representation the mind currently holds of a belief.
In summary, beliefs are running the show in every way possible and according to Dr Bruce Lipton, they are affecting our biology 95-99% of the day. Therefore it stands to reason that it is in our best interest to uncover all of the limiting beliefs that are blocking you from revealing the truth of who you are, which is perfect, whole, innocent and worthy RIGHT Now.
If you would like to start uncovering your limiting blocks to discover the beauty and power of you now, then feel free to reach out for a free chat or check out my coaching services.
Chantal is an Accredited and Certified Nutrition & Wellness Coach, EFT & NLP Practitioner that helps empower and inspire mums and women just like you to lovingly nourish and nurture their body and mind so that they can show up as the VERY best version of them self.