The TRUTH Bombs of nutrition!
After studying nutrition through various institutions and being mentored by some amazing clever practitioners it became abundantly clear that there many ways to skin a cat so to speak.
There was no one right way for ANYONE – no wonder so many people were confused as every expert proclaimed their was the right way.
So after studying, being mentored, clinical and private practice observations, the following truth bombs where identified.
Truth Bomb #1
We are all biochemically so unique, there is no one single approach for everyone. What works for one, may not work for another. And I love the quote by Ann Wigmore:
“One man’s medicine can be another man’s poison”
There is however a blanket principle to follow and that is WHOLEFOOD ONLY! We all have a unique food prescription and with time and observation you can very quickly find out what your is.
This is easily done by utilising a food and symptom diary for 3-5 days to get a clear indication of culprit foods.
Truth bomb #2
Any symptom you have can be the result of a food intolerance. So by using the above suggestion you can easily identify the culprit food and tweak accordingly whilst you heal the deeper imbalance with a qualified practitioner.
Remember, removing the food alone is the not the answer, this just provides symptom relief whilst you heal at the core foundational pillar level
Truth bomb #3
There are over a 25 different healing protocols and trying to decide which one to use based on symptoms can be tricky and complex IF you are not working with a qualified practitioner.
Using the suggestion of a food and symptom diary will save a lot of heartache and stress and get you on the road to recovery far quicker
Truth bomb #4
Whilst nutrition is definitely the portal to wellness and is critical, there are other pillars which also require your focus to achieve long lasting health and happiness for you and your family. Think about it like a checklist for health.
For this simple truth, I have created the TOTAL HEALTH TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM that can be accessed via 2 ways:
Both of the programs cover in depth the core foundational pillars that build health:
Gut health
Emotional Wellbeing.
It is not enough to just know, but to BE and DO as well consistently over a period of time so that it can be become a lifestyle change and a way of life.
Chantal is an Accredited and Certified Nutrition & Wellness Coach with a very special interest helping busy and overwhelmed mums transform the health of their family using gut healing nutrition and transformational mindset practices.
- Accredited Certificate of Nutrition & Super Nutrition, special focus on Childhood Nutrition - Cadence Health
- Certified Level 1 & 2 Wellness Coaching - Wellness Coaching Australia
- MINDD Forum Health Coach - Mindd Foundation
- Accredited Real Healthy Kids Facilitator having personally trained with Sally Gray ND
- Clinical Evidence Based EFT Practitioner - Evidence Based EFT