What does it mean to have a coach?

Coaching in all arenas of life is on the rise and I think it is a smart decision to invest in having a coach to achieve your desired goals. Knowing the information or what to do is ONLY 1 piece of the puzzle, but it's about taking consistent action with that knowledge.

This is where most people get stuck for a host of reasons, but mainly because:

  • Lack of clarity and purpose, i.e. the WHAT & WHY changes are needed

  • Lack of tailored plan, i.e. the exact steps to get you from A to B

  • Lack of accountability & support to keep you on track and course correct

The main aim of coaching is to:

  • Help you generate self responsibility, i.e. accept that the hard work ahead is yours and that learning and creating new habits may need to happen in order to achieve their desired goal

  • Raise awareness of how life could be different IF you achieved your goal OR if everything stayed the same. The main aim is to help you dream and design your new life as if your goals have been achieved

  • Illicit positive behavioural change, however this change starts in your mind and is often the biggest hurdle to overcome. The coach is also there to help you become the person you need to be in order to achieve your goals, this follows the concept of BE DO HAVE, i.e. Be the person you need be NOW, Do what is needed to achieve and the HAVE your desire.

  • Empower and build confidence in you so that you can make the necessary changes without overwhelm

The elements of having a coach:

  1. The success of a partnership between me the coach and you the client is based on the relationship and rapport. In a coaching relationship, there is no hierarchy, we both operate from a level playing field

  2. The coach is there to provide structure to the conversation and provide a line of questioning that will help YOU identify the pathway forward. All the answers are within us, sometimes we just need some help sifting through all the noise in our head

  3. The coach is there to provide accountability for you. Quite often you already know what you need to do and don’t need to be told, but it is having someone to be accountable that helps you take that action needed.

  4. The coach is also there to provide a level of expertise in a chosen area of specialty. This is done in an empowering way and is not meant to be prescriptive. In my case, my chosen area of special interest is gut health and helping mum’s rock life without overwhelm given the stress of this modern day life.

  5. Lastly and most importantly, the coach is also there to support and guide you to achieve your goals using a structured approach.

All the above is quite general to coaching, so how does that relate to me as a Nutrition & Wellness coach? As I mentioned before, my area of special interest is gut health and helping mum’s become the captain of their ship using proven transformational wellness practices.

Obtaining transformational change is very difficult to do in 1 session, therefore I’ve designed 2 main 1:1 programs to achieve this:

  1. 6 week 1:1 Thriving Families – this purely focuses on Nutrition and aiding the switch to real wholefoods in small bite sized chunks.

  2. 12 week: Healing with wholefood – this program truly is my babe and focuses on change in the 4 core pillars of health, i.e. nutrition, gut microbiome, toxicity and emotional wellbeing. No stone is left unturned in this program.

The above 1:1 programs will be offered as a group in the 2nd part of the year and the investment will be much lower.

I also understand that sometimes, you need to dip your toe into the water before making that investment, so I also have a 90 Minute Nutrition & Wellness Audit. The purpose of this session is to:

  • Help you identify your what & why for health & wellness

  • Design a plan for you to create this so that you always know your next step

  • Perform an audit of your nutrition & wellness and provide recommendations and suggestions for improvement.

If you are feeling stuck on your journey and not sure of your next step, please reach out and schedule a complimentary 30 chat to see if any of my programs are a fit for you.


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Chantal is a Certified Nutrition & Wellness Coach with a special interest helping mum’s transform the health of their families using healing wholefood and transformational wellness practices. This is achieved by using a proven, yet personalised step by step wholistic approach


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