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Healing Eczema a 2nd Time & the lessons I learnt along the way!!
In the interest of being of very open and transparent, I have really been fighting with myself whether to share this or not. I felt like a fraud basing my success on healing my son’s very bad eczema naturally as a baby, and for it never to be seen again until mid last year.
Checking in again with my purpose, vision and passion for what I do, it was to inspire, support and empower as many families on similar journeys to make lasting nutritional & wellness changes to lead a healthy happy life.
With that in mind, I decided it was only right to share my recent experience. After all, living optimally is journey and not a destination and definitely not linear.
You would have thought I’d be all calm and relaxed about this seeing we had been through all this before, but instead I was blubbering mess when the penny dropped as to what was happening.
In fact I freaked out (that is putting it mildly) and so did my husband. It was pure and utter FEAR, as a storm of unpleasant feelings and memories came flooding back. It was a place I NEVER wanted to visit again.
The crazy thing about it, was that the eczema was no where near as bad as he previously had it and it was very localised.
No amount of logic and rationalisation could remove the fear and utter devastation I was feeling. I just kept on thinking “I can’t do this again”. As he is older now and could understand more, his view was “Mum, you fixed this before when I was a baby, you can do it again”, but deep down I thought what if I can’t.
He contracted the molascum virus which is common and ordinarily harmless, however it triggered eczema again.
After wallowing in my own self-pity, I decided to pull up my big girl pants and start the healing process AGAIN. As always, it was a multi-faceted approach.
I sort help from a qualified health practitioner to assist with supplementation as it was obvious his immune system needed some help to fight this virus.
During the healing process we focused on all 4 key foundations of health and these were the steps that I took:
Undertaking the GAPS protocol a few years ago, he was already base-lined so I did not feel the need to put him on another cycle again. Instead I took the principles and put them to work. One week a month for 4 months we completed a mini healing protocol, i.e his diet consisted of all soft easy to digest foods such stews, casseroles, soups and plenty of broth, meat and well cooked vegetables. The remaining time the focus was on quality wholefoods with plenty of vegetables, quality protein, quality fats, minimal grains, gluten free and healing foods such as broth and fermented foods on a daily basis
This time I stool tested him and identified that he was particularly low on a specific strain of beneficial bacteria and we supplemented him on a single strain for a period of 3 months.I also ensured his diet contained plenty of PREBIOTIC fibre to help the current beneficial flora to flourish.
By default with what we were doing, we were allowing the body to naturally detoxify itself. Some supplements were also added to assist with this. See below. He also bathed daily in either epsom salts or bi-carb soda to further assist the detoxification process. We are typically a low tox house, so that side of things have always been taken care of.
Emotional Well-being
This was a biggy, more for me than him. It was probably the area that had the greatest impact on his recovery......much to my surprise and a concept I was really RESISTING.
When I consulted the book “The Secret Language of Your Body” Eczema was seen as a result of anger, resentment and frustration. Given his nature of being so grounded and pleasant, I could not understand how he could be experiencing these emotions. After digging some more, I became to understand that this was energetically being fed off me........say WHAT!! I was in fact experiencing these trapped emotions and I was the one who needed to work on my emotions. I used the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) along with a few other strategies to shift this and I saw dramatic results in his skin within 24 hours. I was GOBSMACKED. This was months after working on all of the other aspects above which were yielding results, however actively working on this foundational pillar just really sped up the healing.
I no longer could ignore the impact and connection our inner being had to our physical well-being AND that of our children.
Supplements we found useful and their purpose
- Colostrum for immune support
- Saccharomeycess Boulardii – to promote growth of beneficial bacteria and yeasts
- Activated B – to assist with methylation & detoxification
- Liver Support – further aid detoxification
- Single strain & broad spectrum probiotics – promote beneficial bacteria growth
- Fulvic Minerals – supplementation of trace minerals
- Essential fatty acid Fish Oil. – good for skin health
- Vitamin C – Immune and collagen
Other Treatments we undertook
- Homeopathy to further support healing and he really responds well to it
- Cranial osteopathic adjustments
- EFT to support his emotional well-being during the healing process
Please note, I provide this list for informational purposes ONLY and everything listed has been prescribed by a qualified health practitioner purely based on my little man.
Please consult a health care provider before deciding to consume any supplements for health benefits
My takeaway lessons from this experience:
- Health is not a destination - it's a journey and you need to be aware, flexible and adaptable
- Knowledge is power and empowering. It doesn't matter how many times you need to press the RESET button, you have the tools and knowledge to be able to it
- Do not underestimate the power of emotional well-being and it's impact on physical health, i.e. FIRSTLY for ourselves as mums AND then teaching our children how to be emotionally intelligent.
- You need work on EACH of the 4 foundations to resolve any health condition long term.
I am pleased to report that his eczema healed beautifully once again, and in fact he so much more stronger and resilient because of it, as we did not try to suppress the condition or the virus, but instead worked at the root causes, supported and allowed the body to heal itself.
I now actually have gratitude for this experience as it has brought a whole new understanding of what it means to be truly HEALTHY and with an innate knowing that you CANNOT just focus on nutrition, EACH of the 4 foundations needs to be actively addressed which I do in my signature 1:1 Healing with Wholefood Program.
If you are stuck on your healing journey, either for yourself or your child, get in contact with me for a 30 minute FREE Health Mapping Session to see how best to move you forward.
Chantal is a Certified Nutrition & Wellness Coach that specialises in helping stressed and overwhelmed mums heal their children with wholefoods using a personalised wholistic step by step approach.
What is needed to build a strong healthy Immune System
I don't want my child to be strong, healthy and resilient. I'm OK with them getting sick ALL of the time - said no mother ever!
As a mum who suffered with a child that was CONSTANTLY sick I was desperately searching for the answer that was going help me FIX this and I was prepared to do WHATEVER it took. I was relentless in this search, often wanting to give up at times.
I did so many supplements, potions, tests, in and out of doctor and naturopath offices, all of which had very limited or very temporary success.
I intuitively knew the heart of the issue was that he needed to eat better, but if the truth be told, I had no idea how to do this, even after seeing 4 different pediatric dieticians in 5 years.
Completely frustrated, but not deterred I kept searching and finally I understood the root cause of the issue, i.e. his gut needed healing. Without this being addressed, no supplement or potion was going to help.
We used GAPS (Gut & Psychology Syndrome) as the spring board for this process and I can’t even begin to tell you how life changing that was.
Having said that, you don’t NEED to do GAPS, but you definitely need to address the nutritional status and address gut health. This is non negotiable. There are no magic pills or quick fixes.
85% of the body’s immune cells plus genetic material reside in the gut – hence the link between immunity and gut health .
Understanding the other factors that affect gut health and ultimately affects immunity and resilience?
- Refined sugar
- Processed food
- Trans fatty acids
- Lack of dietary proteins
- Food intolerances
- All prescription or over the counter medication
- Lack of sunshine
- Living in a sterile environment
- Chemical cleaning products
Ways to boost the immune system:
- Wholefood that is plenty full in fat, protein and vegetables
- Healing foods including broth, fermented foods and drinks
- If you feel you need to supplement, ensure it’s good quality and wholefood derived. Anything else is still seen as toxic by the body
- Sunshine
- A bit of dirt
The aim is not to make our children bullet proof to getting sick, as that is definitely how the immune system learns, but we do want them to be resilient and bounce back quickly. So it’s all about supporting the body with the right nutrients and tonics when they do get sick, rather than give them medication that harms and treats symptomatically. This is such a trap most mum's fall into, and I did this too for a little while.
Today, I only use food as medicine and a few key herbal supplements to boost and support the body during a time of sickness.
To help you start your Natural First Aid kit, I’m gifting you my key DIY Homemade Remedies that will support and build resilience rather than harm. These remedies will be suitable for:
- Coughs
- Digestive upsets
- Colds
- Building resilience & overall immunity
You only need a few key ingredients to get started, all easily sourced from your garden, supermarket or health food store.
Chantal is a Certified Nutrition & Wellness Coach that specialises in helping stressed and overwhelmed mums heal their children with wholefoods using a personalised wholistic step by step approach.
Fussy Eating!!! And how I overcame it.
This is something that has been coming up a lot in coaching practice lately and I thought that if this is the case for my clients, then many others are struggling with it as well.
So I thought I’d share with you my personal experience.
To start off, I cannot tell you how much I understand the concept of fussy eating as I sometimes truly believe that my son defined FUSSY eating and I’m yet to find a kid as challenged as he was with eating.
Some context and background
By the time he was 15 months of age he was already referred to a child psychologist as he was not responding to any of the prescribed techniques by the pediatric dietician. Oh my, writing this brings back so many memories of that car trip! My husband and I were just in disbelief that we were actually making this trip for our young baby boy....but sadly we were! Then by the time he was 5 years old had already seen 4 pediatric dieticians – and NOTHING worked.
I consider myself to be a fairly diligent and conscientious person and did everything I was told as PERFECTLY as I could – but to no avail. Every time I did not make the anticipated progress, I lost a little bit of hope, until I felt ready to keep searching again for something or someone that would help us help him eat a more varied diet.
The Change
So what I’m about to share with you is NOT psychology approved techniques, double blinded placebo control study tested’s just what worked for me – and I think I just about tried everything if you catch my drift.
I will also preface to say that it was a combined approach not just 1 thing. I truly believe what really propelled us onto the other side was actually a change in me, not him! And I say that again, the change was in me and not him.
I distinctly remember the day I drew a line in the sand and said no more – THIS WILL BE DONE I vowed. I was able to do this for a number of reasons:
I knew what the underlying cause of the problem was- FINALLY
I knew EXACTLY what I needed to do to resolve the issue – HALLELUJAH
I felt guided an supported - PRICELESS
I can say that in ALL of my prior attempts I have never had all 3 of these pieces together.
The Solution:
I too needed to change, and that was predominantly my mindset
I had to let go of any past failed attempts and feel confident in the way forward, which I was for the first time no knowing what the REAL problem was
It was NOT my role to make him eat, which I often tried to do or play silly games only for him eat 2 spoons and refuse the rest. I needed to choose what was on offer to eat, but it was his responsibility to eat. – this was a massive shift in thinking for me. I used to stress so much when he refused to eat anything new, but this new mindset literally saved my sanity.
I felt confident- so when the boundaries were pushed (which he did often try to do) I no longer crumbled, and he energetically felt this. Soon, he had no choice, but to join the party so to speak as I no longer gave his refusal the attention he wanted.
Techniques for him:
EDUCATION - I explained to him what was going to be happening and why the food we ate would be changing. It was very important to use language that he could understand.
FUN - We made meal times together an event – it was a time of coming together, talking about the day and sharing and taking the focus off eating per say. If this was successfully achieved, he was rewarded
REWARD - I found his hot button which was a reward based system using points, 1 point = $1. One of his love languages is gifts. To know this information about your child is just priceless. Speak to them in their love language. We all have at least 2 dominating ones out of 5. We had a treasure box with smaller gifts such as pencils, hot wheel cars etc, and when he reached a certain number of points, he could choose a gift from the treasure box. And once he had sufficient points, 10 or 20 he could have a bigger reward to that value – this was golden for him and kept him motivated. We still utilise this concept today....except the reward value is little higher...eeek. The beauty of this is that you get to use choose what behaviours you want to reward and give them the control to make the right choice
BOUNDARIES - What was on the table, is what was on offer to eat – NOTHING else. It was his choice to eat it or not and nothing else was provided if he chose to not eat.
CHOICE - Sometimes I provided 2 choices and he could decide which one he would like – this also worked really well as he felt some form of control.
POSITIVE AFFIRMATION - When he did eat something he had not eaten before or at least tried something before refusing – the praise was enormous – sometimes over the top – because that is what worked for him
My mindset, these techniques coupled with a healing with wholefoods approach is what took him from a ridiculously fussy eater to a champion eater today.
In reality – HE was not a fussy eater, which was a label we put on him. Fussy eating was a symptom of an unbalanced gut microbiome along with nutritional deficiencies. Once we remedied this through healing wholefood nutrition, his body cried out for more food, and soon I had the opposite the problem..........he would not stop eating. I then a problem of a different kind....keeping up with the
Today I still feel so much gratitude when I watch him eat as I know that was not always the framed picture I looked at.
If you would like help addressing the heart of the issue with fussy eating, get in contact with me and schedule your FREE Health Mapping Session or check out my Healing with Wholefoods Program.
Chantal is a Certified Nutrition & Wellness Coach that specialises in helping stressed and overwhelmed mums heal their children with wholefoods using a personalised wholistic step by step approach.
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- Mar 21, 2017 My Top 10 Gut Healing Pantry Essentials Mar 21, 2017
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gut health
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- Aug 15, 2017 Improving the health of your gut is not just about popping a probiotic! Aug 15, 2017
- Jul 12, 2017 5 Easy Ways to get Healing Foods into your kids without fuss! Jul 12, 2017
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- Mar 21, 2017 My Top 10 Gut Healing Pantry Essentials Mar 21, 2017