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Health, gut health Chantal Khoury Health, gut health Chantal Khoury

5 Easy Ways to get Healing Foods into your kids without fuss!

Getting healing foods into you or your child daily does not have to be a struggle.In fact when you re-adjust your mindset to that of wholefoods ONLY, it’s just something you do on a daily basis and then it does not become a “thing”

Many of the types of foods are consumed on a daily basis anyway, so it’s just a matter of thinking how can I make this more nutrient dense and add a healing agent food.

Below,  I’ve given you 5 easy ways of getting healing food into the diet on a daily basis:

1. Smoothie

Who doesn’t love a good smoothie? This is a fabulous food to get extra nutrition into your child without them necessarily knowing the goodness included

Types of extra goodness to that can be added:

  • Use non dairy milk alternatives such as homemade nut, seed or coconut milk varieties

  • Probiotics – they wouldn’t even know! Just make sure it's good quality and broad spectrum

  • Clean protein powders or collagen hydrolysate for gut healing benefits

  • Whey – the liquid strained from yoghurt for probiotic goodness

  • Superfood powders, like these from Nutra Organics

  • Coconut oil or butter for cellular and gut health

There is just so much bang for your buck in a smoothie

2. Blissball

A great way to get awesome extra goodness into them such as protein, fat, fibre, zinc and magnesium by way of ingredients such as nuts, seeds & dates, cacoa and coconut oil or butter

Add extra goodness such as:

  • Hydrolysed gelation

  • A little turmeric

  • Superfood such as nutri organics

  • Soak the dates in some water kefir then you have a probiotic Blissball

3. Soups and casseroles

A wonderfully healing and great way to get veggies, slow cooked meats and broth into them that are tasty. Favourites for us are slow cooked lamb shanks and a root vegetable soup. Funny thing is my little man is not a fan of "eating" pumpkin but will happily have pumpkin soup, go figure! My princess on the other hand is not a fan of soup period, but loves Chicken Noodle just have to work with what you have :-)

4. Jelly or gummies

Who said gut healing food had to be all about broth. You can still get all the great properties of a broth in a jelly or gummy using a quality grass-fed gelatin. It is definitely not a replacement for broth, but an addition to.

Take it a step further add additional goodness such as:

  • Raw honey as a sweetener for amazing immune boosting anti-microbrial properties. It's still a sugar, so go easy :-)

  • Quality broad spectrum probiotic capsules and you have a probiotic gummy

  • Herbal tinctures such as Elderberry syrup for wonderful immune boosting

  • Even use the gelatin to make custards, puddings and panacotta

5. Water

Who would guess water??? Amazingly you can ferment water with the right starter culture and then you have probiotic water, otherwise known as Water Kefir.

Ferment it a second time with a fruit of choice and you a flavoured probiotic tonic.

You can incorporate the above food daily as a guide:

  1. Breakfast: - Smoothie either but itself which is quite satisfying or alongside something like porridge pancakes. Recipe can be found in this blog post in the download

  2. Snack – Blissball – only need 1 depending on how big you make them

  3. Lunch/dinner – soup or casserole with a small probiotic drink

  4. Snack – a few gummies

I've put together the following recipes in an easy downloadable Ebook:

  1. Gummy

  2. Root Vegetable soup

  3. Blissballs

  4. Ginger probiotic tonic

  5. Water/Coconut Water kefir

If you are wanting to address your health or that of your family using nutrition & wellness principles, do not hesitate schedule your FREE Health Mapping Session here or here

Chantal is a Certified Nutrition & Wellness Coach that specialises in helping stressed and overwhelmed mums heal their children with wholefoods using a personalised wholistic step by step approach.

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Health, gut health Chantal Khoury Health, gut health Chantal Khoury

Interview with Sally Gray for all things gut health

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Sally Gray from Real Healthy kids, to talk all things gut health and why it’s such a critical factor to our health & well being.

Sally Gray is the founder of Real Healthy Kids, a business dedicated to empowering mums with the cutting edge mind body practices to step into their power and live with extraordinary health and daily calm, peace and joy and to become the role models our children need in this day and age. Sally has over 20 years experience as a Naturopath, Nutritionist, Transpersonal Counselor, Certified Life and Self-esteem coach, NLP and  EFT practitioner and she delivers a range of proven programs to create the foundation for exceptional health and healing for her clients.

Below I’ve summarised a few take away points from the interview.

Question 1 – In your expert opinion, what is the fuss about gut health?

  • The gut is now considered an organ and is central to our physical & emotional well being

  • We are outnumbered 10:1 in terms of bacteria to human cells

  • The gut is where nutrients are synthesised, food is digested & absorbed.

  • There is more serotonin in the gut, the feel good neurotransmitter than anywhere else in the body

  • There are more nervous system receptors in the gut than anywhere else in the body and this affects our energetic experience

Question 2 – What are the signs & symptoms of someone needing gut healing?

  • Human health = vibrant health BOTH physically & emotionally, therefore anything less requires gut healing

  • Symptoms such as pms, tummy aches, digestive troubles, allergies, eczema, fatigue, pains & niggles plus so much ALL indicate the gut will require some looking after

  • By the time a physical symptom presents itself, there has been a lot going on in the background, more than likely lots of inflammation

  • Great health is a choice and is available to everyone if we choose to do the work required for a predictable outcome

Question 3 – Is GAPS the only way to heal the gut?

  • Firstly we need to realise that making significant changes to our health involves getting uncomfortable

  • GAPS is not the only way to the heal the gut and there is no one way to heal

  • Healing needs to take into account all of the pillars of health and it’s not just about embracing a nutritional protocol

  • Stress is the underpinning factor to our health

  • GAPS does not address the pillars of health such as emotional well being, genetic predispositions & toxicity

  • Dealing with stress & emotional well being is pivitol to healing

Question 4 – What is the top 1 or 3 things to start the healing process?

  • Start with a commitment to a long term process of healing - get clear on what you want to create in terms of health for you & your family

  • Be prepared to make mistakes and be flexible

  • Find someone to go on the journey with

  • Bring the family along on the journey for increased compliance

Sally’s key message

We can create exceptional inner wellness which will transfer to outer physical health. It starts with the inside first.

Sally can be found online at the following locations:

Website: Real Healthy Kids

Facebook: Real Healthy kids home


I highly recommend Sally’s IGNITE program if you truly want to create the life you want by design and start healing the inner self. The next round of enrollments commence 27th April 2017.

If you need help with you or your child’s gut healing journey, book in for a free 15 minute call, email me or check out my work with me page to see if one of my programs are a suitable fit for you.

Chantal is a Certified Nutrition & Wellness Coach who specialises in working with stressed and overwhelmed mothers of immune & digestive challenged children to heal their child’ gut by implementing a wholistic personalised step by step plan.

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Health, gut health Chantal Khoury Health, gut health Chantal Khoury

The 3 P's of Gut Healing

And it has nothing to do with food, per say!

As you are about to embark on any sizeable change, more than likely there are feelings of overwhelm by the enormity, and that is totally understandable. Sometimes these feelings can over power you and prevent ACTION from making taking place.

When starting your gut healing journey, there is plenty to consider such as the foods to include and exclude, how you are ACTUALLY going to bring the family on board, where do you get the food from and then WHAT are you going to make that the family WILL eat with the path of least resistance. Like everything, there is a process to change and its needs to be tackled in small bit sized chunks.

So, let’s get into it.

So the first P in gut healing is PLANNING!

It all starts with planning. Actually it starts a little before this with a clear defined Vision of EXACTLY what you want to achieve during your healing journey, WHY you want this and by WHEN, but that is a blog post for another day.

When starting your gut healing journey, planning is crucial and paramount to your success on any protocol you choose. Without this, you are guaranteed to set yourself up for failure.

Wikipedia defines planning as the following:

Planning (also called forethought) is the process of thinking about and organizing the activities required to achieve a desired goal. It involves the creation and maintenance of a plan, such as psychological aspects that require conceptual skills. There are even a couple of tests to measure someone’s capability of planning well. As such, planning is a fundamental property of intelligent behavior.

Actions to consider when planning your gut healing journey:

  1. Be clear from where you are now and where you need to be. Break it down into smaller steps or milestones as to how you will achieve your desired outcome

  2. Identify any obstacles UPFRONT that could get in the way of the plan being a success and you achieving your desired outcome of optimal health. Also include potential strategies that could be employed to mitigate the obstacles. In project management terms (my former life) this is referred to as risk management, you literally plan what to do in the event of something going wrong before it happens.

  3. Identify any help or support you may need to carry out your plan. That could be in the form of home help, specialised practitioners, health coach etc.

  4. Be clear on your start date and the length of time you will participate in your chosen protocol, i.e. 30 days, 3 months, 6 months etc. This needs to be flexible

  5. Be clear on the protocol you will be following for your healing journey. There is no one size fits ALL and it may mean a combination of different healing protocols

  6. Know where to source your food from

  7. Meal Plan – this step is non negotiable and is crucial to the success of any gut healing program

The next P of gut healing is PREPARATION.

Give yourself the time you need to get organised. Do not rush this step. It took me at least 6 weeks of planning and preparation before actually starting the GAPS protocol. This was crucial to our success and more importantly my SANITY.

Things to consider when preparing your healing journey:

  1. Be clear of the foods to remove from your diet and which ones to include

  2. Get your pantry stocked with healing essentials, see this blog

  3. Identify where and how you can create convenience so that you are not chained to the kitchen

  4. Identify where in your week you can block out time to do the crucial activities such as meal planning and food preparation. These activities are key and without it, success and long term sustainable lifestyle change just will not take place.

The last P of gut healing is PERSISTENCE.

Let’s not kid ourselves; initiating any change is hard and overwhelming, especially if you are coming from a place of stress. The learning curve is very steep and more often than not you are just not sure you can actually do this. I know this feeling too well, I’ve been there myself! But you just need to start, and take one day at a time. You will be guaranteed to take a few steps backwards before you go forwards and the journey may be rocky, but you need to keep going. Whenever the feelings of failure or overwhelm come knocking (and they will) just keep your end goal at the forefront of your mind. Imagine your life as if your family was experiencing abundant optimal health.

Imperfect ACTION will always out weigh perfect INACTION. Just need to be willing to try

Imperfect ACTION will always out weigh perfect INACTION. Just need to be willing to try

If you need help with you or your child’s gut healing journey, book in for a free 15 minute call, email me or check out my work with me page to see if one of my programs are a suitable fit for you.

Chantal is a Certified Nutrition & Wellness Coach who specialises in working with stressed and overwhelmed mothers of immune & digestive challenged children to heal their child’ gut by implementing a wholistic personalised step by step plan.



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Health, gut health Chantal Khoury Health, gut health Chantal Khoury

How do I know if I need gut healing?

Well, just about ANY physical symptom of dis-ease will be the result of a gut and/or cellular function imbalance as the root cause. That means about 97% of the population can be of benefit to healing their gut, including you!

Treating anything else is just a band-aid solution and symptom management.

According to Dr Natasha Campbell-Mcbride (Author of Gut and Psychology Syndrome), adults and children with gut issues display the following symptoms to various degrees:

  • Digestive (colic, reflux, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, feeding issues (fussy eating – limiting food to white starchy carbohydrates))

  • Autism

  • ADHD

  • Allergies

  • Eczema

  • Food sensitivity/intolerance

  • Behavioural issues

  • Weakened immune system – constantly getting sick and not recovering quickly, chronic infections

  • Asthma

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • IBS (abdominal pain, bloating, stool abnormalities and flatulence)

  • Auto-immune disease

She goes on to explain that a healthy adult carries 1.5-2kg of bacteria in the gut and that they are all in a well organised system. The number of functions that the bacteria fulfill in our bodies are so vital, but if we made our gut too sterile, we would probably not survive.

Dr McBride also mentions that 80-85% of our immunity is located in the gut wall and that the bacteria within us outnumber human cells in our body by 10:1. In essence we are more bugs than cells. These numbers alone demonstrate the importance of GUT HEALTH!

So how do we get out of balance with our gut in the first place?

Thankfully the list of culprits is not too long and the factors that affect it are within our control to remedy so that we CAN alter the health of our gut.


  1. Antibiotics - there is absolutely no question that there is a time and a place for the use of antibiotics, but not at the levels seen today. The truth of the matter is that most sickness, if nipped in the bud early using age old remedies, can be resolved without the use of countless courses of antibiotics. See my workshops page for Managing Your Child's Health Naturally

  2. Pharmaceuticals - The use of ANY pharmaceuticals will have a negative impact on the gut microbiome. If there is a need a consume a pharmaceutical, then suitable follow-up care should be employed

  3. Diet- This is 100% in our control and it can have the single biggest impact on the health of the gut. A diet that is rich in packaged, processed, colours, additives and preservative laddened food will put the gut flora out of balance and have a detrimental effect to the health of the gut.

  4. Stress - This is quite often the elephant in the room and is actually the TRUMP card when it comes to your health & well being. A stressed mind and body will outweigh a healthy diet any day.

  5. Environmental toxins - We need to be aware of the environmental factors that surrounds us on a daily basis and how they could be/are affecting your health. By this I mean, the quality and source of your food, the products that you are using to clean, the products that are applied to your body and being absorbed by the largest organ, i.e the skin and the electromagnetic fields you are exposed to.

How to heal the gut?

This is something that does NOT happen overnight and requires patience, perseverance and most importantly flexibility. There is definitely is no "One Size Fits All" approach, but the fundamentals remain the same regardless of the type of healing protocol you need to follow.

  1. Get back to basics - a wholefood nutrient dense diet is NON NEGOTIABLE. Health is not found in a box or convenient, I checked :-). It's about what is important 80% of time and the remainder 20% is with no guilt (if your symptoms allows this level of flexibility)!

  2. Include fermented food and drinks in your diet - Start this slowly and with caution as some individuals can be very sensitive to the die-off reactions when starting to include this daily. Also add a quality broad strain probiotic daily.

  3. Include broth and grass-fed gelatine - This needs to be consumed daily and multiple time a day for a therapeutic effect.

  4. Stress Management - This is the key to the puzzle. We cannot avoid stress, but we can definitely learn how to handle it better. Find a way that sits well with you and more importantly teach your offspring to do the same. This is one of the best life tools you can provide them.

If you need help with you or your child’s gut healing journey, book in for a free 15 minute call, email me or check out my work with me page to see if one of my programs are a suitable fit for you.

Chantal is a Certified Nutrition & Wellness Coach who specialises in working with stressed and overwhelmed mothers of immune & digestive challenged children to heal their child’ gut by implementing a wholistic personalised step by step plan.


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